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Mathematics Education
part of the Education Reform Network
Mathematics Education logo

Parents: Help Your Child

  • i-Math Investigations (Illuminations at NCTM)
    These multimedia math investigations are online and interactive using Java applets and video clips. Complete i-Maths include investigations for students, teacher notes, answers, and related professional development activities.
  • Selected Web Resources by NCTM
    Use this matrix with mathematical strands and grade bands to search over 1100 carefully reviewed internet resources. These resources will help to improve teaching and learning for all students, and help teachers understand and apply NCTM's Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
  • Interactive Math Tools (NCTM: Illuminations)
    Java applets are tools used to explore math and create interactive lessons. Games such as a "factor game" and "fraction game" are included.
  • The Math Forum for Parents and Concerned Citizens
    Participate in the Math Forum's weekly electronic newsletter or Teacher2Teacher discussions about how children learn math. See descriptions of useful links within The Math Forum and elsewhere on the internet.
  • High School Hub Math
    The High School Hub (mathematics) is a noncommercial learning portal to high-quality free online educational resources in mathematics for high school students. It features interactive learning games, puzzles, and quizzes.
  • Kathy Schrock's Guides for Parents
    Reviews of educational software, videos, games and toys. Study tools and homeschooling resources such as Geo Game and Webmath.
  • FAMILY MATH II: Achieving Success in Mathematics:
    Interactive activities for families to enjoy while learning mathematics, K-6. Try the �Balloon Ride,� K-8.
  • Testing Our Schools, A Guide for Parents, Frontline, PBS
    Use this guide to understand more about school testing and help your child prepare for taking tests. Includes background on some of the controversy surrounding testing; information about different types of tests and what standardized tests measure and do not measure; advice on communicating with school officials and talking with your child about tests; and a glossary and list of additional resources.