Inquiry Based Teaching
"Encouraging Mathematical Thinking, Discourse around a Rich Problem"
Read this video paper on-line from the Math Forum at Drexel. Outstanding! .
"Inquiry into Student Learning" by Carol Damian
Using data to improve education requires teachers and other educators to collaborate in the same inquiry process that we use with our students in mathematics and science classes.
"Inquiry on Practice" (Illuminations at NCTM)
�Inquiry on Practice� from Illuminations at NCTM has video vignettes, interactive math content, research reports and articles to encourage thinking and discussion about how to improve mathematics teaching and learning by all students.
"Motivating American Indian Students in Science and Math," Gregory A. Cajete
ERIC digest offers insight and constructive suggestions to motivate American Indian students who tend to drop out of high school math and science. Worthwhile and concise; applicable to a wider population.
"Petals Around the Rose: Building Positive Attitudes About Problem Solving" by Marie Appleby
Middle school students take charge of their own learning once this math teacher presents an intriguing puzzle. Student journal entries are included.
CESAME Support Site for "Investigations" (TERC)
CESAME supports schools implementing exemplary K-12 math and science curricula. Interactive support for teachers using Investigations in Number, Data and Space by TERC.
Creating Jigsaws and Web Quests
Jigsaws and web quests promote cooperation and high level thinking skills, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Here is a guide for creating your own as well as examples to check out.
FAMILY MATH II: Achieving Success in Mathematics:
Interactive activities for families to enjoy while learning mathematics, K-6. Try the �Balloon Ride,� K-8.
Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol
Look for inquiry based teaching methods in your own math or science classroom. With the help of a friendly observer, determine the degree to which your classroom (K-20) instruction meets national standards.