Assessing Students
"Inquiry on Practice" (Illuminations at NCTM)
�Inquiry on Practice� from Illuminations at NCTM has video vignettes, interactive math content, research reports and articles to encourage thinking and discussion about how to improve mathematics teaching and learning by all students.
Exemplars offers differentiated, classroom-tested, standards-based assessment tasks and instruction materials. Each task comes with alternatives, rubrics, and student samples. View free samples. (Vermont authors)
Internet-Based Lesson Plans (NCTM)
Find examples of how the Internet can be used to help create effective Standards-based mathematics lessons. Some sites provide real-world data to analyze and use. Other sites provide information regarding how mathematics is applied or contain tools to use to graph, visualize and compute. Levels K-12, with some lessons "across the grades".
Math Partners: Mathematics mentoring for America's youth
This site supports math tutors with materials to use with students and facilitators training math tutors K-9, includes Algebra. Materials help tutors determine learning difficulties of children and provide activities to use for skill building and conceptual understanding. (NSF funded to support America Counts)
Professional Development "By Your Own Design"
For teachers: create and implement an individual professional learning plan with a multiude of resources and templates from Eisenhower Clearinghouse. Includes readings and activities, issues to consider, techniques, evaluation resources and more.
Testing Our Schools, Frontline PBS
"President Bush promises to leave no child behind. But where will his faith in tests leave us?" James Popham, former test writer and professor emeritus at UCLA, discusses the problems and a solution. 50 ways to do standards and testing. Comprehensive and interesting: video excerpts, interviews, NPR broadcast. Join the discussion. Includes a Guide for Parents.
TIMMS Resource Kit: Attaining Excellence
This kit includes official reports of TIMSS, Third International Mathematics and Science Study, mathematics teaching booklets, professional development ideas, a CD Rom on tools for discussion and videotapes of lessons in U.S., Japan and Germany. Useful for assessing student achievement and conducting and using research. Available from US Government Printing Office for $94.00; email: [email protected].
�Changing the teaching and learning of Mathematics,� Thomas A. Romberg
Romberg asks, �How would one know if the reforms (in the teaching and learning of mathematics) have an influence on student learning?" The answer involves a shift in schooling practices consistent with mathematical literacy which then needs to be assessed.