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Mathematics Education
part of the Education Reform Network
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The resource being described is some kind of instrument or tool that may, or may not, be directly accessible over the Internet. In a sense, this category is a special instance of the "Services" resource type.

  • Creating Jigsaws and Web Quests
    Jigsaws and web quests promote cooperation and high level thinking skills, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Here is a guide for creating your own as well as examples to check out.
  • Exemplars
    Exemplars offers differentiated, classroom-tested, standards-based assessment tasks and instruction materials. Each task comes with alternatives, rubrics, and student samples.
  • Interactive Math Tools (NCTM: Illuminations)
    Java applets are tools used to explore math and create interactive lessons. Games such as a "factor game" and "fraction game" are included.
  • Internet-Based Lesson Plans (NCTM)
    Find examples of how the Internet can be used to help create effective Standards-based mathematics lessons. Some sites provide real-world data to analyze and use.
  • Professional Development "By Your Own Design"
    For teachers: create and implement an individual professional learning plan with a multiude of resources and templates from Eisenhower Clearinghouse. Includes readings and activities, issues to consider, techniques, evaluation resources and more.
  • Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol
    Look for inquiry based teaching methods in your own math or science classroom. With the help of a friendly observer, determine the degree to which your classroom (K-20) instruction meets national standards.
  • Selected Web Resources by NCTM
    Use this matrix with mathematical strands and grade bands to search over 1100 carefully reviewed internet resources. These resources will help to improve teaching and learning for all students, and help teachers understand and apply NCTM's Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.